
The characters positioning on the left presents their importance in the narritive, with the main character at the top, followed by less important characters. The positioning also reveals their roll in the movie, with a clear idea of whether their intentions in the film are good or bad. On the left-hand-side of the poster props (earphones, guns, sunglasses, Atlanta sign, cars etc) alongside the facial expressions give the viewer an insight into the direction the movie will take. For example the prominent positioning of the earphones reveals their importance in the film, or possibly the importance of music as it's an uncommon thing to see on a movie poster. you can clearly identify the film is a action through these images.
The use of a pink background is an important feature of the poster as it helps convey the films genre and general mood/theme. The pink (a very playful, bold and youthful colour) is reflective on the more loose feel, it displays comedic genre conventions, demonstrating the film wont be as serious as other actions possibly. It makes the poster more appealing to younger audiences 16-24.
The general iconography of this film poster is quite bold and simple, including simple font and a simple colour scheme. This is more attractive to younger people as their generally not as interested in more in-depth, complex films rather these films with simpler plots/ideas.
Including the directors previous films 'hot-fuzz'' - which was a popular film displays that this film will be just as good in regards to the previous one. Alongside this including a rating and a list of the main actors/actress' gains the poster more recognition as it stands out more.
The title and tag line are placed as far in the middle as possible, on a white background since it makes them more prominent. some more key information is included such as the release date and credits.

Similarly to the previous poster the characters are positioned according to relevance in the narrative, with the main character on top. The background and use of futuristic props instantly makes it recognisable as a Sci-Fi film. The colour palette and font is also reflective of this genre.
Including the studios previous film ‘avengers assemble’ makes it known what direction this film will take. With avengers being widely popular it draws positive attention to this film. Including this also provides people with an idea of the target audience - being 10+ similarly to avengers.
The actors/actress' in the film are an important part in drawing attention to the film as their all well known, which increases it's popularity.
The release date also includes what formats the film can be viewed in, this variety of choice makes the audience feel more engaged in the film. As does the inclusion of a mobile app advertisement in the corner which allows you to interact with the film. 

Mind map:

Film idea:

Mood board:

Guardians of the galaxy poster recreation task:

Pre-production text designs:

Colour schemes in drama film posters:
All these films fall under the thriller sub-genre within drama films, subsequently having similar styles of colour palettes. The most prominent colours in these photos is cold blues, with blacks and greys, navy blues and some earth tones. The colours used are fairly neutral, setting the dismal and serious tone for the film, and the tense situations to come out of it. The emphasis of blacks allows for a captivating look on the subjects.

My colour palettes:

1.This is my favourite palette, the range of cold, dark greys and inclusion of some more earthy tones helps visualise a mysterious, dramatic and thrilling environment. They compliment each other well, evoking harsh emotions.

2.This palette works well in creating a cold feeling, presenting themes of winter. Its range is a little scares as it primarily used lighter shades such as cold whites although fits the themes of thriller well.

3.This palette focuses on more earth tones, using a variety of browns and blues. This makes for a well balanced and complimentary range of colours, although in my palette im looking to use a more unforgiving aesthetic which can't be found in this palette.

4. This palette, being all a range of greys with hints of blue has an unforgiving feel to it. It relates to emotions of sorrow and guilt. This convey a serious mood although is possibly too plain for it to achieve a captivating feeling.

5. This palette has the most vibrant colours from the range of palettes, this leads for a bold appeal although I don't feel the coral and blues work well in representing my given genres.

Credit block:

Poster recreation using a layout from a pre-existing film poster:

Film poster i copied the layout of:

recreation of gone girl with chosen layout:


Design one: Alban
Design two: Violet

Both costumes are made to help present a hostile atmosphere, this is created through their lack of colour, primarily using earthy and grey tones. The use of a baseball cap gives impressions of mystery, indicating to the viewer the genre of mystery and adding to the dismal aesthetic. By using jackets it provides feelings of a cold environment, which is usually associated with hostility. These costumes also convey mature themes.
